Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back In The US of A...And Not Very Okay

I'm Back Babeh!

I am back on beachy soil-sand, and under the scorching summer sun.

I have bumped into quite a few people from my past in the past few days as well. Things have changed yet stayed the same, yet not really..they have totally changed. Half my town feels like a zombie video game scene, thanks to all the dead trees and the basically barren, have not seen anyone in three hours of walking around the main street, feel to it. The only routine thing is the loudness of it all. The yelling, the chores, the quibbling, the fact that our treadmill is covered in pee and boxes of hangers that needed to get thrown out. It sort of feels like I'm not really here. Like its all some dream and I'm walking through this big empty house with only three of my dogs on my heals, and just nothing to do and no one to spend time with. My days are spent trying to workout (but my dog Penny thinks we are playing a game, goes for my legs, and eats my shoes while I'm still in them!), putting sun block on, swimming in the pool for 3 hours around midday, and cooking something healthy for dinner before going to bed in my fantastically comfy but lonely bed. Now that I am back on this side of the pond, all the people who claim they have missed me, and want to go out and do things with me, are just walking past me like I should beg them to join in on their fun which they clearly want me to not be around for. Fine, I get the large bold print hint. I am not needed or desired here, huh? Granted I have seen my Seashell, and spoken to my Song Bird about doing things in NYC soon, but not much else has been happening. After my brilliant night out with Seashell to see Murder Ballad (my fracking God was that show amazing!) and drinking tons of wine, New York has once again lost its luster.
Is it just human to long for things from your past? Pleading with the visa department and beeggin to get back into the UK or Italy seems fruitless so far. Right now, I miss London. I miss the cleanness of it, the quiet, the odd emptiness and openness of the streets that can flood with people in under a second. I miss the accents, the perfumes in the air on the tube.
Do we just get nostalgic for these exciting or peaceful places and people, or do we just miss the way we felt there? Were the 90's so fantastic, or was it just that I was young and still learning? Well, the 90's and early 2000's were fracking fantastic, if I blur the bullying and the crippling self doubt away of course.
But now I feel the hot breeze spill into the room and hear the Zicadas humming loud. Over in London I miss new york. I miss the colors from the sea, the breeze, the sun light- Oh the glorious sun how I miss you beaming down on my ready and waiting to get back to normally tan colored skin. So maybe I should stop caring about who wants me here, who doesn't, and who just walks straight through me. Being a tan ghost might have some benefits...like I could get more stuff done...while being more tan?

Friday, July 19, 2013

Wander Lust . . . Level : Expert

As you can tell from my various rants or just my mini bio in that left corner over there, travel is my hobby and my life. I'm just a no good, theatre gypsy running around with my little red suitcase, my neon blue turtle shell of a backpack, and my tiny little brown side satchel. I think I've spent more time in cars and airports than I have in the dentist chair - and that's a lot of my life. Back in my tender years, around 1998, my parents forced my off to sleep away camp. That decision set in motion a course of events that would map out the path for the rest of my life. I realized that I could escape my little world in Long Island and see the rest of one! I loved being on the road, I loved meeting new people, seeing new places, and learning new stories. The wander bug bit me before I even realized it.
My love of music and theatre added to this little wander lust. Not only could I perform anywhere, but I could see and experience people from all over this big blue marble. Have you ever just needed to get out, yearned to grab your bike or your keys and just go?
Most of the time, travel is just an addiction. I love the long day trip on a train, the road trip with the sun beating down on my shoulders, the late nights walking through strange cities with laughing friends and heavy bags. Coming at you live from an airport lounge, cosmopolitan in my hand, all I can say is this is the high life. Sadly I had to say goodbye to Claus, just for now of course (No Break Ups!). Huddled in our little love bubble with three carry on bags draped over us, romance could have been needed. I really wish he was with me here, since Heathrow airport has all these Doctor who paraphernalia around. I can't get too close to them, thanks to my pile of carry-on stuff.
Packing two carry on bags, making sure I have everything I'd need for the duration, and room for gifts to boot is very time consuming. I end up packing for a trip about 6 days before I leave, and then wear pajamas or gym clothes til the day of the trip. Granted, this week was hotter than a house on fire, and I did work out 2 hours per day until my foot flared up, but still. Pigtails and sweat do not a happy blogger make. Especially when my writing conveyance is burning a hole through my leg or my duvet cover! Sometimes I wish laptops were not so essential in today's world, since they weigh so much, get so hot, and take up room in my backpack.  
Since I am currently staring down a flight delay of almost an hour, I figured this would be more productive than drinking my calories here in this strawberry and tangerine lit lounge. It strikes me as funny, people watching here. There are smartly dressed men and women, looking like the Vogue equivalent of 'business CEO style', and average people decked out in denim and cowboy hats. Children are actually scarce, with the exception of infants. Please,  OH Travel God, a sleeping child with no crying or loud screaming! 
I am in for an 8 hour (maybe more thanks to a delay) flight, and I keep praying to the Travel God (who I should find a name for soon!), that we will have a clear flight, some decent in flight entertainment, quiet small children, and fellow passengers who wont reeks or become irate at the fact that I will be doing yoga posses by the bathroom when the seat belt sign gives me my go. Yes, I will even be working out in the air! During long flights, keeping yourself moving helps prevent clots and stress. By no means am I suggesting that we have a gym session in the sky, but a few stretches and some walking will keep you feeling your best. Also, the magic of H2O will help prevent you from getting sick off your flight.
Maybe once I land, and have some time to think about it more, I can write you some ideas for packing or some in flight stretching tips. That's all the advice I can give you ATM, thanks to payable Wifi connections. But while I am in the air, keep yourself sated on some of the older posts!
See you on the other side of the pond!
Bye For Now!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Deal With : Avoiding the Binge

[IMG]Is there nothing more frustrating than a fool running his mouth?

There was this effusive man on the street today that had the nerve to tell me that if person doesn't want to eat when they're bored, then they just shouldn't do it. 

Have you ever tried to sit down and analyze the difference between if you were hungry or bored?
It is difficult task, especially when you are the type of person who only eats generally, due to outstanding over-scheduling. My one true test, the one that has never ever failed, is one I know everyone has faced at some point in their lives. Have you opened a cabinet or fridge only to think, 'eh, nothing looks that good, but I know I want something"? In that moment you are telling yourself,"hey I feel like eating in general right now, not because I am hungry but because I feel like eating." People don't think like that of course - otherwise we would all be healthy physical and mental specimens. This mouthy man got me thinking. Who would actually sit down, think about how they were truly feeling, and then-instead of following a muscle memory habit-decide on a different course of action? Maybe someone who would have been taught the difference between boredom and hunger? It has been 20-something-years and I'm still learning that lesson.

I Dare You To Not Think About Pink Elephant Cookies!

Pink Elephant Cookies??
If someone tells you not to think about a pink elephant, all you can do is think about that fuchsia son of a bitch, right? So, by the same logic, when you are not supposed to think about something or do something that's all your mind can focus on. The same thing happens when at home, minding your own business, your only sudden desire is food. You think you might be crazing that little nosh. But you are not only indecisive about what you want to eat, but the quantity holds no shape in your mind either.  Oh sure, you can test yourself to make sure you are famished (see below for details), but who knows you better than yourself? Belief is a strong thing, ask any God-believing person, but denial is stronger, ask any shitty parent.
When a person is running on a high emotional level (sadness, anger, stress) the same thoughts creep in. This reasoning runs deeper than a mere fancy, it has become a habit. We see it all the time in film, sit-coms, literature, and commercials. Humans finding solace trough booze, drugs, and food is viewed as an average everyday thing, until it becomes abusive. And most people excuse it, calling it a normal and healthy response. It may be tasty, it may be normal, but it should not become your normal if you want to feel confidant about your appearance. Finding solace through food is the number one way of releasing control over your fitness dreams. This habit will further your rationalization that not only will eating that entire family pack of chips make you feel better, but that by repeating this action during this situation you'll feel better. The band-aid approach will only last so long! 

Hypocrisy Drives Me Dizzy...Sort of Like Stupid People

"Bad day? I'll get the cheese cake!"
It is a complete catch 22. 
Old habits die hard, and this one's a doozie from the whole of human response. Some people will say the most obvious of facts, just so they will sound like they know what they are talking about. They claim they know how you feel, because they have themselves faced similar conditions. The sad fact is that people who push phrases like,"What passed the lips, stays on the hips," are making judgments about you, themselves, and prove that humans are hypocritical by nature.
"Don't think about food.You are trying to loose weight, so count the calories, but don't obsess."
"Don't eat when you are bored either. You should learn the difference."
"Do not eat past 8 o'clock at night if you want to look good."
Others never know the journey of the people around them. To tell someone how to think, or feel, or act is an irrational and judgmental way to go through this life. I'm handing my personal list of busy work. If, like myself and a few of my friends, you feel like you need some help avoiding the binge fest in your kitchen, then maybe some of these tricks will help. Anytime I want a little snack, but have just eaten, will be soon, or should be getting to bed but cannot sleep, these are tasks that help me stay in control. No, I don't just rush off to the gym every time I need a distraction. . . I'd get all dizzy. 

 Ways to Avoid Mid-Meal Misdemeanors

  1. Indulge in something filling but empty. If you are not sure if you are hungry, drink water. You will feel full if you are not actually hungry, and the bonus of getting hydrated is always helpful...especially during the hot days we are in for!
  2. Avoid It. Chew Ice, Gum, or my absolute favorite, Listerine stripes. You stay hydrated, and minty to boot!
  3. Distract From It. If you're not sure you're hungry, and have already had water but still want something, distract yourself with something that requires your full participation and attention. (I like doing my nails, especially if it is late at night, or other beauty tricks. Sometimes I'll brush and floss my teeth with extra attention, or I will try a new face mask. Teach yourself a new hobby or trick, like sewing or cross-stitching. I like learning new songs or monologues. . . or, you know, grab a good page turner of a book or hit up some Internet page you love to read! Wink Wink )
  4. Get Out & Get Active. All you need is a good walk, a bit of fresh air, or a swim to fully feel yourself. (Maybe then the realization that you probably should have had a snack will dawn on your pretty head and you will feel less guilty for mid-meal snacking.)
  5. Cave In To It. Sometimes the habit gets the better of you, and feeling guilty about it is just pointless. You want results, work hard. Don't punish yourself, all you'll get is a complex! You want better or faster results, work harder! Never deny yourself anything...except maybe bad things...like super chemicals...or dangerous stuff.
To give into a binge does not grant one permission to berate oneself. It means you fell back on an old habit, one that does not benefit you in any longer term way. Perhaps that was too many ones, but you get my meaning. To gain healthy means to give up old and unhelpful patterns- be they food related or simple notions from a fool's open mouth.
Blow It off with a kiss, and walk away...
Bye For Now XX

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cooking With The Seasons : Spring & Summer

Simple but true!I'm a list-making-crazy chick. There is just no denying it. I have always made to do lists (for home work assignments, chores, and researching fun activities or party planning), and I have always found them helpful. Especially helpful for keeping on schedule; be it task, schedule or time. I was so nuts about maintaining an organized life, I had a table of contents in all of my school notebooks and binders. Unfortunately I was never so organized when it came to healthy food choices. As a kid, and high-school-er, I gave into the peer pressure and the embarrassment of being a square peg in a round hole. The kids around me could eat whatever they wanted. Why was I put on slim fast and the Zone diet when I was 10? Now that I can be in charge of my own kitchen, it has become so much easier to be in control. With no one buying the junk food, the house is stocked with only healthy foods! If Claus or I want the junk, we go out for it, but we never bring it home. Sometimes we go for long walks to a specific ice cream place, each get a single scoop cone and walk home. The only difficult part of being in charge of your own kitchen is when you have no time to plan ahead.
When it comes to doing the weekly shopping, I always recommend making a shopping list to prevent the dangerous impulse of buying junk food. Think about it. How many times have you gone to the supermarket without a list and accidentally over bought? Or worse, caved into the impulse and bought that tub of ice cream or that bag of M&M's. Around this time of year, fresh produce is abundant! If you have a tiny fridge, like me, you will need to keep your list short and very fresh! Always keep yourself stocked with fresh produce, especially this season! I mean, if you only have veggies in your house then you wont choose that brownie staring back at you from that tiny little baking tray. Head down to your local Farmer's Market with your empty basket (or in my case my backpack), and get ready for the fun. 
Right now, you can buy almost anything! Buying with the seasons will help you have varied dishes all year round. Right now, its JULY! Everyone is grilling meat, and eating Pop-sickles, and in need of sun block. Watermelon seeds are being spit on the ground, cherries and peaches are being made into preserves, and other summer-y foods are just everywhere!
Eat 'em while you can y'all!

Around this time of year, our shopping list usually looks like this:
Nectarines, apples, oranges, lemons, tomatoes, bananas, plums, grapes, blue berries, strawberries, cherries, pineapple (small), watermelon
Carrots, Celery, Basil, Lettuce, Onions, Zucchini, avocados, green beans, Leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, beets
Meat / Poultry / Seafood
Steak (low fat), Pork Loin (low fat), Chicken Breast, Thighs, or a Whole Bird, Frozen Shrimp, Halibut, Tuna Steaks
Greek Yogurt, 2% Milk, Mozzarella Cheese, Cheddar Cheese
Pantry Items
Tuna in water, chickpeas, Olives, Quinoa, brown rice/gluten free pasta, Nuts and Seeds (specifically almonds, pistachios, cashews, pumpkin seeds)

Prep Once, Eat Healthy All Week! (dinner)I would even take this one step further and say you should ingredients for anything. Cook your healthy food in advanced! Prep your produce for snack and meals! Fight the laziness! Like with cleaning and working, a schedule for groceries helps you not to obsess. When you have a seriously over scheduled life, it leaves very little time to make smart food decisions. If you clean the kitchen before you go out shopping, it will be easier to prep the food once you're back. Once your sink is clean of dishes, and your tiny kitchen is ready for prepping, it is time to begin. Wash all your produce very carefully in cold water. Pat dry carefully, and then get out your storing materials. I use Chinese takeaway plastic boxes, since they are clear and reusable. I also put post-its to date the veggies, to make sure that they wont go bad on us. You can buy containers to keep organized, but some are clunky, difficult to clean, and expensive. If I had a bigger fridge, then I would be buying more things to organize my life.
 How do you organize your kitchen? Do
you use fancy equipment in your kitchen?
Do you have a different method
or more than one you would recommend?
Any method is better than a messy kitchen
leading to not so smart food choices. 

Well, I'm off to the Market!
Hope I'll see you there!

Bye For Now xx

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Introduction To Health Journaling

To Fail is Not Failing, But Learning There Must Be Another Way

I have made many attempts in the past with this theory, none of which worked. From Fat camp to mother interference, it always ended the same way. At first, I would just forget to jot down a day or two. Then, I'd forget to have it on me. And eventually, I just wouldn't care enough and thought it was unimportant anyway. Not one person I have know has done it and succeeded. Usually I hear great things in the beginning of the process, but there was the inevitable repugnance for the entire exercise in meticulous note taking. The discipline required was just too much effort, especially when no one else had to do it and mocked your efforts. 
There's this nutritionist back in New York who kept chiding me to keep a food diary. Constantly, she would tell me to write down the food I was eating, the times I ate, the quantities, and the calories of every little wisp of air that passed my lips to live on my hips. I can honestly say I like the lady doctor very much. In fact, when I'm States Side again, I am heading to her office with specific questions on portions and a good calories counter/pedometer she can recommend. However I cannot say that the constant counsel was helpful to me in the slightest. Keeping track of what I ate only made me more self conscious about eating anything at all. Obsessing over food is not the right path, especially for me - the over-thinker of eating of my generation!
The notion though, was spot on. It is useful, but the methods I have seen in the past have been a short term solution (they also never worked and most of my friends would go ape shit). I've engineered my own strain of the food diary disease, one that actually works for me.

For Those Of You Playing The Home Game . . .

What exactly is a food diary, Ashley?
Well, if you are not someone who has been fighting the flubber since childhood then you might need some answers. Having a food diary means that you log what you eat & when you eat it. No matter what it is or how small it was, you must be honest and put it in the book. However, most people that keep food diaries quit after a few days. Why? Because it is tedious and annoying, and people look at you funny. It took me years to finally just do it. The way I keep track now is completely different then how I was taught in the past. The method I wholeheartedly recommend is still a bit tedious, there is no escaping that. I write out exactly what I eat and drink, the time at which it is consumed, and the correct quantity (be it grams/oz, serving size, or number of slices). The distinction from all my previous attempts is that I document any and all activity as well. If I workout at the gym, I write every detail of the exercises and machines used. If I go for a walk, I write down the time and level of intensity. The lower the intensity, the longer the walk. By writing down both the ingestion and execution of calories, I can accurately keep track of my progress. I can see if I need to eat more of a certain items (vitamin, mineral, or food group), or if I need to increase my activity, or be more wary of my injuries. I can document rest days, and not so good choices of food days, and feel no guilt or shame about it. If I want faster results, I have to be more active not eat less. If I am injured or sick and cannot be as spry as I would like, then I have to be wary of how many calories I intake versus my output.
For example, if I cannot stand up cause my foot is swollen and I have to lay down and rest 80% of the day...Maybe I shouldn't eat Doritos and candy instead of actual foods. Or, for instance, if I have been to the gym for 10 solid days in a row and worked extremely hard, then having that slice of cake won't be the end of the world. 
To go from this ^. . . To This V
Also, let's call it something other than a food diary. Any more food obsessed and it would be a groupie! Hmm...How about Health Journal-ing instead, since you will be writing down fitness and cuisine together?

Health Journal Keeping 101 

Step 1 : Gathering Your Materials
You need to make a measuring blueprint to record your progress over the next (insert number of weeks or months). You can make one of excel, but I always like making it by hand. Gives you a feeling of accomplishment if you not only make it by hand, but plug in the changing numbers each month. For your health journal you will need the following items:
  • A Journal or Book 
  • Pencil and multicolored pens
  • Skinny Markers ( I picked crayola, but you don't have to)
  • A Soft Measuring Tape (comes in any sewing kit)
  • A Digital / Polaroid Camera (To take a BEFORE and AFTER shot)
Step 2 : Set Up The Journal
Once you have everything you'll need to get started, it is time to build your book! Making the following pages in your health journal will keep you focused on you - not the food, not the diet, and not any other person's opinion.
  • Page 1 - Progress Chart (Make a chart to measure yourself and weigh yourself monthly by)
  • Page 2 - Key (colors=?, will each month be a different color?, workout intensity?)
  • Page 3 - Medication Section (daily meds, multivitamins, sick meds/anti-biotic) *Might want to put that down on each day that you take them to keep track
  • Somewhere Inside - Goal Sheet (write out a set of goals for yourself, be they fitness related or visual related)
  • Somewhere Inside - Inspirational Quotes (thrown in anywhere in the book, to keep you from quitting)
  • Last Page - Out Comes (Did you reach your goal? What did you learn during this process? What goals do you have now?)
Step 3 : Start with Honesty
The most important thing about keeping a health journal, is the keeping it. You have to be honest, you have to write out everything, or it will not help you in the slightest. Be accountable to those pages, not to someone else. Put the truth down in the book, every drink and every crumb! If you are not feeling well, write that down too. (If you are a girl, you might even start keeping track of that monthly annoyance - it not only affects your mood and makes you bloat, but it can affect your food choices. If you are a guy, you might want to keep track of your mood cycle - men have the same kind of monthly mood swings, just without the leech lunch rush.) By being honest within the confines of this book you will start to notice the following:
  • Your Eating Pattern & Time Frame
  • The Lack or Excess of Certain Foods or Vitamins in Your Diet
  • A Connection Between Your Mood, Your Schedule, and The Foods You Choose
For those days I'm lazy!
If you want any benefit at all from this method, you MUST stick with it! You should have it on you at all times, ready to write everything down the minute it happens. Also keep some water on you! Anytime you go to write, take a sip! It'll keep you hydrated and you can make sure that you never just eat when you are bored! If you get bored, instead of reaching for the candy bag maybe go for a walk? No, seriously! We all might want to eat when there is nothing else to do but there is a whole world outside that kitchen! Get outside, get active, and soak up that sun before winter comes home! 
If you have no injuries to speak of, unlike your blogger over here, get your skinny ass up and shaking it off!!
 I hope you enjoy this new method of fitness secretary-ing and please feel free to pass it on it the method helps!
Bye For Now xxx

Friday, July 5, 2013

Bye Bye Miss American Pie!

Over Stuffed & Lethargic Yet?

Feeling guilty for eating all that pie yesterday? Wishing you didn't reach for that third helping? Not truly sorry for it all, but wishing those calories would disappear without lifting a finger? Well, all I can say is, "that's an American BBQ for you!"
We love to grill, to hang out with our friends and families under the scorching and glorious sunny heat! Then the sun starts to set, the meat gets put away, and the smores, the fireflies, and the stars come out. The air is a bit less hot, and the wind relives you only slightly. And then make things explode! God how I need some fireworks! It has been way too long since I have seen fireworks. I cannot wait to be back in the states so I can buy some to set off in my folk's backyard!
I made way too much food for only three people. It was all delicious, but now we have left overs for days. I don't think I will be making any more ribs this summer, thanks to the mass quantities we'll have for the next week. But is that not the way of an American BBQ? Make as much as you can, and try to keep up with the conveyor belt of hot dogs and hamburgers coming at you like you are stuck in an I Love Lucy race?
Burgers! Hot Dogs! Bratwurst! Chicken!
I didn't over do it with the spare ribs of awesome, or the sweet potato chips I made (recipe to come!). A true breakthrough for me! Not thinking about what people would think or say to me about eating too much, or not eating enough. And genuinely not caring if anyone said something, or looked at me funny! Just eating what I wanted to eat, and keeping small portions on my plate so if I wanted more I could keep track accurately in my food diary. It was a revelation! I mean, I was around my boyfriend/fiance (I'll name him Claus!) and his best friend (let's call him Jimmy). These boys would never make me self-conscious about eating. Jimmy has just lost a ton of weight and was in this marathon called Tough Mudder here in England. We can pretty much talk about anything under the sun about weight food and changes - especially since we are both working so hard, and Claus is even getting in on the fitness regime!
I wrote it all down, and it really wasn't that much food, but I still felt like I was carrying a food baby. What's a food baby, you ask? Well, that is when someone eats or drinks beyond their limit. Their stomach feels heavy and their clothing no longer feels loose. When they stand up they visibly look bigger, rounder. And Tada, a food baby! Food babies are worse than food commas after Thanksgiving or an English Christmas Dinner. Food Hangovers. You can try to avoid them, but they end up happening anyway. It's about how you handle what comes next that will show your metal!

Getting Active After The (Food) Baby Comes

After our lovely little BBQ on our little porch-balcony-ledge-thingy, and a restful night in our stuffy and humid little flat, we have a lot of work to get done! Of course, cleaning the grill and kitchen has been the first priority; Blogging and sending out some emailed correspondence was the second. But to get rid of this 'baby weight' I need to get outside and moving! The plan, since the sun is out and the laundry still needs doing, is to go out for a long walk and soak up this good weather! Perhaps the gym for an hour or two later on tonight too. Who knows?
If you did more eating that activity yesterday, then you are a true American! And I envy you! But if, like me, you need some inspiration to burn off that succulent spread then look no further. Below there is a lovely little list of activities and songs to shed those snacks!

Best Activities to Burn Off The BBQ Feast!
  • Swim (tons! beach, pool, garden hose)
  • Play a Sport (friz bee, soccer, water polo, volleyball, etc)
  • Long Walk (alone, with the family, the friends, or just the pets)
  • Work Out Under The Sun (get fit, get tan!)
  • Flash Light Tag ( or any other active kids game. let out that inner child!)
  • Water Balloon Fight (Or a hose fight!)
  • Scavenger Hunt (find some shells, some rocks, some sand, a feather, ANYTHING!)
  • Roller-Blade or Bike Around Town
  • Build Some Sand Castles
  • Swing on a Tire (or head to a play park)
  • Join an Outdoor Yoga Group
  • Jump Rope or Hop Scotch!
  • Side Walk Chalk-Athon (make some art work or a workout)
 Some great Songs to Shake off those Smores!

Title Of Song Time Artist Album Genre
She's Country 3:41 Jason Aldean Wide Open Country
Holdin' On 4:26 Rascal Flatts Unstoppable Country
If You Ain't Here to Party 3:54 Luke Bryan Spring Break 3...It's a Shore Thing - EP Country
Hello (Razor N Guido Radio Edit) 3:37 Karmin NOW That's What I Call a Workout 2 Fitness & Workout
Little Bit of Life 4:12 Craig Morgan Little Bit of Life Country
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) 3:20 Big & Rich Horse of a Different Color Country
The Night Out (Madeon Remix) 3:37 Martin Solveig NOW That's What I Call a Workout 2 Fitness & Workout
Me And My Gang 3:38 Rascal Flatts Me & My Gang Contemporary Country
Not Myself Tonight 3:05 Christina Aguilera Bionic (Deluxe Version) Pop
The Game Is Over 3:25 *NSYNC Celebrity Pop
My Girlfriend 3:00 Uncle Kracker Happy Hour Pop
Starry Eyed 2:57 Ellie Goulding Lights Pop
She Wolf 3:09 Shakira She Wolf (Deluxe Version) Pop
Egoista (feat. Pitbull) 3:24 Belinda Carpe Diem Pop Latino
Just For You 3:47 William Tell The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants Alternative Singer-Songwriter
The Twist 2:38 Hank Ballard and The Midnighters 1960: Still Rockin' Doo Wop
Shimmy, Shimmy, Ko-Ko-Bop 2:09 Little Anthony and The Imperials 1960: Still Rockin' Doo Wop

Pictures of us from 4th of July:

Our Lovely Little View
The Boys on their way to the grill
The Fruit Stand

The Blogger and Claus
Bye For Now From All of Us! XXX

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

You're a Grand old Chef!

It's Independence day back home! 

A time of cook outs, bon fires, and other fun summer festivities where we burn or explode things! Where you can sit around, drinking and carrying on, and its all in the name of being Patriotic! The fireworks are something I love! Like my birthday and Halloween, any holiday with fireworks gets my heart racing and a smile stuck on my face! This year I am in England, so it is not gonna be the same. Considering this past Thanksgiving, and any other American holiday, I will most likely have celebrate alone, or with people who will love to eat my food. I won't truly be alone. I'll just be the only USA team member abroad celebrating it.

A Brief History of Explosions

"Many people tend to think that we celebrate the Fourth of July because that is the day we received our Independence from England...All thirteen colonies stood behind the Declaration of Independence and adopted it in full on July 4, 1776. This is where the Fourth of July holiday comes in. The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day because that is the day that the Second Continental Congress adopted the full and formal Declaration of Independence."   - This Helpful and Cheery Website

Kinda funny when you think about it! There was a war on and we won it. So now we set more stuff on fire in celebration of that. We are a wild bunch of coconuts, no wonder they kicked us out! Guy Fawkes tries to stand up to Parliament in much the same explosive fashion, and now England celebrates the 5th of November with fire works each year!

Martyr or Glutton?

I know that with all the festivities, it can be a challenge to keep active or to eat right. Making the right choices can sometimes be completely out of our hands, and in the hands of that BBQ party planner with the funny apron. You can be that social pariah, the one who sticks with water and veggie nibbles, flitting about trying to not salivate at the burgers, steaks and potato salad. But why punish yourself? Sadly, the flip side of the 'Martyr at the party' coin is the 'Glutton'. The person who thinks, 'hey I'm on vacation! Who cares? I'll just start back up tomorrow, and it will be fine.' You give into to the peer pressure of over eating, drinking too much, and the next day you regret everything. This year, make a change. Find that happy medium! Don't give into the Martyr or the Glutton, the peer pressure or the self imposed pressure. Everything in moderation! However, if you are anything like me that might be easier as a theory than action. So below are two BBQ recipes that will not only taste amazing, but won't ruin your health decisions!

Healthy BBQ Recipes

1) Slow Fired Spare Ribs + My Secret BBQ Sauce 

For Sauce:
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Honey
  • 1 cup ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon of tarragon
  •  pinch of oregano
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 Shot of Whiskey
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • And of course 4 pounds spareribs to douse it on
All Equipment You’ll Use:
  • Tin Foil
  • Oven Casserole Dish
  • Medium Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Fork
  • Sharp Knife 
  • An Oven (preheated at 200 degrees)

This is one of my favorite indulgent recipes. I use this sauce for special occasions only, and this is one of the first recipes that I have ever told anyone about. My own creation! This sauce can be used for anything: chicken, fish, veggies, or meat. 
These ribs are always in demand around the summer. Spicy, sweet, and smokey from the whiskey - they have a flavor that just can't be beat . . . well, maybe by a Texan who can BBQ better than me, but that is not important right now! Make these and you'll be cooler than this cat.
Step 1
Preheat Oven & Prep Casserole Dish (w. Tinfoil)
Step 2
In a medium bowl, add all sauce ingredients together. Whisk with a fork until smooth and a bit runny. Set aside.
Step 3
Prep the ribs with a quick rinse water. Pat dry. Place in Casserole Dish.
Step 4
Lather the top half of the ribs with 1/3 of the sauce. Cover with a second sheet of tin foil. Leave for 90 minutes.
Step 5
Uncover the ribs and flip them over. Lather the now top half of the ribs with another 1/3 of the sauce. Cover with tin foil and leave for another 90 minutes.
Step 6
Put the ribs in the oven. Bake in open pan at 325° Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.
Step 7
Pour the remaining sauce over the ribs. Bake 30 minutes longer. Baste occasionally to make sure ribs are completely covered.

2) Mini Veggie Burgers

For Burger Patties :
  • 1 19 oz can of Cannelloni beans (white kidney beans), rinsed and drained
  • 1 ½ cups of soft bread crumbs
  • ¼ cup of shredded carrot
  • ¼ cup of white onion, finely chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 2 Tbsp of snipped fresh parsley
  • 1 Tbsp of olive oil
  • ¼ tsp of cayenne pepper
  • ¼ tsp of black pepper
For Burger Structure :
  • Burger Buns
  • Handful of spinach or lettuce
All Equipment You’ll Use :
  • Medium Bowl
  • Flat plate (for extra bread crumbs and parsley)
  • Fork
  • Large Skillet
  • Stove Top
  • Tooth Picks
  • Spatula
  • Cooking Thermometer

Summer is usually veggie booming time. I’m curious as to why and how we started burning meat in the middle of heat waves, instead of enjoying cold and light foods. Anyone know by any chance? Was it cavemen or something?
Well, for my Veggie fans or the parents’/friends’ of veggie heads, please try these amazing tasting, but slightly high in calories veggie burger. Better than buying frozen chemical ones of course, but each mini burger is about 350 calories. A good meal, not a nosh!

Step 1
In a medium bowl, mash beans with a fork. Stir in half the breadcrumbs, the carrot, the onion, egg, half the parsley, the spices, and 1 Tbsp of the olive oil. Place the remaining breadcrumbs and parsley on a flat plate. Stir well.
Step 2
Shape the bean mixture into 8 round patties (they will be soft). Dip both sides of each patty in the extra breadcrumbs-parsley mixture.
Step 3
In a large skillet, heat 2 Tbsp of olive oil over medium heat. Add the patties, and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side (or until browned). Check with a thermometer that the centers are 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 4
Arrange patties on Buns with your burger works and eat them!!

I have a feeling like tomorrow is just gonna turn into the summer time Mardi-Gras of food. Even with that thought... I know what my evening will be like.

Bye For Now XX