Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Work Outs, Work Outs Everywhere, But Not A One For Me??

"Accentuate the positive, 
Eliminated the negative,
Latch on to the affirmative.
Don't mess with mister in between!" 

The Commandments of Stupidity Health

From the tender age of 8, I have truly seen it all when it comes to weight loss and flawed logic. Fat camp does not work. At least when you are not taught the math behind weight loss/gain, or anything about portions sizes. Oh yes, you hear all the lessons:
  1. Love yourself. Be confidant of who you are. (Don't allow others to make you feel bad)
  2. Bully yourself about the number on the scale or that size. (Let others and yourself judge that number or shape)
  3. Constantly think about not over eating food, or eating when bored, or food in general. (Worry about calories with no true idea about how portion sizes work.)
  4. Stay Active, always! (Run, jump, dance, walk, play sports, do aerobics or yoga. but never ever get lazy - even when tired, sick, or in pain)
 Please God, Get Me Out of This Talk Circle And I Will Do More For The Earth!
But how are these helpful? Most of my memories about fat camp are grim when I look on them now. Not the over all experience, of course. Kids can make any situation a nightmare or a heaven, and I did love those woods. I was a dreamer kind of kid, one who thought awful things about myself, but never about my talents or my confidence. All of my bitterness was about being fat, and the idea that people treated me horridly for that mere fact. At that age, it didn't matter how active I was. Exercise was a solitary activity in my house. My mom would make me wake up at 5am to go to the gym before school five days a week and signed me up for sports too. No one in my house wanted to go for walks or bike rides with me for enjoyment. Always a punishment, never a joy. A popular punishment for rule breaking at fat camp was to run up a hill we nicknamed 'heart-attack hill', or to go for an early morning run before the long day of working out. But all the camp fire circle therapy sessions singing songs about confidence will never actually do anything. Yes, confidence is important. To want health is key to achieving that goal. But to a kid who knows very little about how the human body gets fat other than "oops I ate too many cookies", knowledge is vastly more important!

Think about it!

If you cannot loose or gain weight like others, would it not be helpful to find out why? Hell fucking yes. People are different. Some have food allergies, food sensitivities, or a chemical issue. It may not be the amount of food they ingest, but the types of foods. I can honestly say that after almost 20 years dealing with weight issues, not one person has shown or taught me how to measure food properly. Oh, I have been told to measure my intake, I have seen the funny visuals of 5lbs of fat versus 5lbs of lean muscle, and the food pyramid. Never how many calories are in a serving of fruits or veggies. Many diets, foods that come per-packaged or powdered, many nutritionists pushing for those or who want to write out a meal plan for me without explaining anything about it to me. Any one else realize this?
Math & Cake Are Lies!!
You can be told the same thing over and over, but never actually get shown what the meanings are to that math equation? And yes, it is all MATH! This is why we are taught math guys, so we could calculate money, time, and calories!

The Greedy & The Ill Informed

I was totally fed up with asking for help from people who mostly wanted me to look unrealistic within weeks, or just wanted my money and cared nothing for the human aspect of lifestyle changing. Sadly, most personal trainers I have worked with (and please remember that I have done extensive personal research since "Got Milk" Ads were still collectables!) were not very knowledgeable about much. They know the basics of course; the machines in the gyms, some sports drills, and perhaps enough knowledge about protein powders to try and make you buy them. But God forbid you ask for anything more personally oriented, like how can I achieve this goal result with this particular obstacle? That is nothing compared to those membership pushers, those non-P.T.'s who are trying to sign you up from that day pass or week pass to a full time contract that you will never get out of without many lawyers and maybe a paintball gun. One woman I used to take a spin class with was accosted by a front man personal trainer who had recently lost some clientele. He knew she had purchased a few monthly passes, but never anything longer than that. This was due to her job, she traveled more times that year than most people travel in lifetimes, and she was not shy about sharing that. He didn't seem to understand that however, and hovered around every station she visited throughout her gym time that day. He used every sale tack tic in the book. That is, until he began to not only disrespect her but became physically threatening. Not only did she stop buying her monthly pass, she calmly and quietly called him a penis, spit on him, walked out after 20 minutes into an hour workout.

The Death of Everyday Trust

Seriously, who can you trust these days about getting healthy and stronger? Your doctor? Nah, he/she costs too much money for advise you can research on Google or medicines that may do more harm than good. Your health teacher? Sorry, they know mostly 'keep active' notions and about sex stuff. Maybe a Personal Trainer who you don't see regularly? Nope. You know what I want? Do you know what I truly believe we all deserve?  
Somebody who knows what the hell they are talking about! Someone who has not only the knowledge of all that food and portion control info, but can also teach it to me! So that it will stick in my head, or at least I can print off a cheat sheet of info! So fuck it.
I have decided that no one knows what is best for me, other than me! I am not gonna seek help from people who are not willing and adequitly able. I will do it all on my own, with the help of my Pinterest health board, the 12 Week Workout, and my food diary. With you all behind me, I know I cannot fail. However, it is still up to me...
Bye For Now X

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