Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Deal With : Avoiding the Binge

[IMG]Is there nothing more frustrating than a fool running his mouth?

There was this effusive man on the street today that had the nerve to tell me that if person doesn't want to eat when they're bored, then they just shouldn't do it. 

Have you ever tried to sit down and analyze the difference between if you were hungry or bored?
It is difficult task, especially when you are the type of person who only eats generally, due to outstanding over-scheduling. My one true test, the one that has never ever failed, is one I know everyone has faced at some point in their lives. Have you opened a cabinet or fridge only to think, 'eh, nothing looks that good, but I know I want something"? In that moment you are telling yourself,"hey I feel like eating in general right now, not because I am hungry but because I feel like eating." People don't think like that of course - otherwise we would all be healthy physical and mental specimens. This mouthy man got me thinking. Who would actually sit down, think about how they were truly feeling, and then-instead of following a muscle memory habit-decide on a different course of action? Maybe someone who would have been taught the difference between boredom and hunger? It has been 20-something-years and I'm still learning that lesson.

I Dare You To Not Think About Pink Elephant Cookies!

Pink Elephant Cookies??
If someone tells you not to think about a pink elephant, all you can do is think about that fuchsia son of a bitch, right? So, by the same logic, when you are not supposed to think about something or do something that's all your mind can focus on. The same thing happens when at home, minding your own business, your only sudden desire is food. You think you might be crazing that little nosh. But you are not only indecisive about what you want to eat, but the quantity holds no shape in your mind either.  Oh sure, you can test yourself to make sure you are famished (see below for details), but who knows you better than yourself? Belief is a strong thing, ask any God-believing person, but denial is stronger, ask any shitty parent.
When a person is running on a high emotional level (sadness, anger, stress) the same thoughts creep in. This reasoning runs deeper than a mere fancy, it has become a habit. We see it all the time in film, sit-coms, literature, and commercials. Humans finding solace trough booze, drugs, and food is viewed as an average everyday thing, until it becomes abusive. And most people excuse it, calling it a normal and healthy response. It may be tasty, it may be normal, but it should not become your normal if you want to feel confidant about your appearance. Finding solace through food is the number one way of releasing control over your fitness dreams. This habit will further your rationalization that not only will eating that entire family pack of chips make you feel better, but that by repeating this action during this situation you'll feel better. The band-aid approach will only last so long! 

Hypocrisy Drives Me Dizzy...Sort of Like Stupid People
"Bad day? I'll get the cheese cake!"
It is a complete catch 22. 
Old habits die hard, and this one's a doozie from the whole of human response. Some people will say the most obvious of facts, just so they will sound like they know what they are talking about. They claim they know how you feel, because they have themselves faced similar conditions. The sad fact is that people who push phrases like,"What passed the lips, stays on the hips," are making judgments about you, themselves, and prove that humans are hypocritical by nature.
"Don't think about food.You are trying to loose weight, so count the calories, but don't obsess."
"Don't eat when you are bored either. You should learn the difference."
"Do not eat past 8 o'clock at night if you want to look good."
Others never know the journey of the people around them. To tell someone how to think, or feel, or act is an irrational and judgmental way to go through this life. I'm handing my personal list of busy work. If, like myself and a few of my friends, you feel like you need some help avoiding the binge fest in your kitchen, then maybe some of these tricks will help. Anytime I want a little snack, but have just eaten, will be soon, or should be getting to bed but cannot sleep, these are tasks that help me stay in control. No, I don't just rush off to the gym every time I need a distraction. . . I'd get all dizzy. 

 Ways to Avoid Mid-Meal Misdemeanors

  1. Indulge in something filling but empty. If you are not sure if you are hungry, drink water. You will feel full if you are not actually hungry, and the bonus of getting hydrated is always helpful...especially during the hot days we are in for!
  2. Avoid It. Chew Ice, Gum, or my absolute favorite, Listerine stripes. You stay hydrated, and minty to boot!
  3. Distract From It. If you're not sure you're hungry, and have already had water but still want something, distract yourself with something that requires your full participation and attention. (I like doing my nails, especially if it is late at night, or other beauty tricks. Sometimes I'll brush and floss my teeth with extra attention, or I will try a new face mask. Teach yourself a new hobby or trick, like sewing or cross-stitching. I like learning new songs or monologues. . . or, you know, grab a good page turner of a book or hit up some Internet page you love to read! Wink Wink )
  4. Get Out & Get Active. All you need is a good walk, a bit of fresh air, or a swim to fully feel yourself. (Maybe then the realization that you probably should have had a snack will dawn on your pretty head and you will feel less guilty for mid-meal snacking.)
  5. Cave In To It. Sometimes the habit gets the better of you, and feeling guilty about it is just pointless. You want results, work hard. Don't punish yourself, all you'll get is a complex! You want better or faster results, work harder! Never deny yourself anything...except maybe bad super chemicals...or dangerous stuff.
To give into a binge does not grant one permission to berate oneself. It means you fell back on an old habit, one that does not benefit you in any longer term way. Perhaps that was too many ones, but you get my meaning. To gain healthy means to give up old and unhelpful patterns- be they food related or simple notions from a fool's open mouth.
Blow It off with a kiss, and walk away...
Bye For Now XX

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