As you can tell from my various rants or just my mini bio in that left corner over there, travel is my hobby and my life. I'm just a no good, theatre gypsy running around with my little red suitcase, my neon blue turtle shell of a backpack, and my tiny little brown side satchel. I think I've spent more time in cars and airports than I have in the dentist chair - and that's a lot of my life. Back in my tender years, around 1998, my parents forced my off to sleep away camp. That decision set in motion a course of events that would map out the path for the rest of my life. I realized that I could escape my little world in Long Island and see the rest of one! I loved being on the road, I loved meeting new people, seeing new places, and learning new stories. The wander bug bit me before I even realized it.
My love of music and theatre added to this little wander lust. Not only could I perform anywhere, but I could see and experience people from all over this big blue marble. Have you ever just needed to get out, yearned to grab your bike or your keys and just go?
Most of the time, travel is just an addiction. I love the long day trip on a
train, the road trip with the sun beating down on my shoulders, the late nights walking through strange cities with laughing friends and heavy bags. Coming at you live from an airport lounge, cosmopolitan in my hand, all I can say is this is the high life. Sadly I had to say goodbye to Claus, just for now of course (No Break Ups!). Huddled in our little love bubble with three carry on bags draped over us, romance could have been needed. I really wish he was with me here, since Heathrow airport has all these Doctor who paraphernalia around. I can't get too close to them, thanks to my pile of carry-on stuff.
Packing two carry on bags, making sure I have everything I'd need for the duration, and room for gifts to boot is very time consuming. I end up packing for a trip about 6 days before I leave, and then wear pajamas or gym clothes til the day of the trip. Granted, this week was hotter than a house on fire, and I did work out 2 hours per day until my foot flared up, but still. Pigtails and sweat do not a happy blogger make. Especially when my writing conveyance is burning a hole through my leg or my duvet cover! Sometimes I wish laptops were not so essential in today's world, since they weigh so much, get so hot, and take up room in my backpack.
I am in for an 8 hour (maybe more thanks to a delay) flight, and I keep praying to the Travel God (who I should find a name for soon!), that we will have a clear flight, some decent in flight entertainment, quiet small children, and fellow passengers who wont reeks or become irate at the fact that I will be doing yoga posses by the bathroom when the seat belt sign gives me my go. Yes, I will even be working out in the air! During long flights, keeping yourself moving helps prevent clots and stress. By no means am I suggesting that we have a gym session in the sky, but a few stretches and some walking will keep you feeling your best. Also, the magic of H2O will help prevent you from getting sick off your flight.
Maybe once I land, and have some time to think about it more, I can write you some ideas for packing or some in flight stretching tips. That's all the advice I can give you ATM, thanks to payable Wifi connections. But while I am in the air, keep yourself sated on some of the older posts!
See you on the other side of the pond!
See you on the other side of the pond!
Bye For Now!
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