The Kitchen Book Shelf

*  My Go - To Collection  *

For me, there is nothing like finding the right cookbook. One that has delicious, healthy, and not so expensive recipes on every page is the ultimate goal. For the past few years I began a small collection of these, and started compiling my own 'experiments' in my recipe bin (an index card box holder). The following are the recipe books that help me create my menus, from the every day to the fancy party, and inspire me to create a few recipes of my own. 

1. Cook This, Not That: Kitchen Survival Guide by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding

My Life Saver!! 
This book has everything! Appetizers, lunches, snacks, quick meals, party meals, and desserts!! Who could ask for anything more from a cookbook, right? Well, these boys have done a whole lot more. Inside these pages are steps to make foods you might not have every tried before. As a novice kitchen explorer, they explain the differences between different cooking tools, and easy culinary tricks to help you feel capable of experimenting with recipes.

In Fact, they have even created a sequel with more cooking basics and tips. Check these bad (well, good for us) boys out!

When I was studying abroad, this cookbook helped me stay healthy by giving me multiple lunch time ideas, instead of PB&J's every day.

Italian Kitchen at your fingertips!

Ever in the mood for classic Italian food, but don't want to pay for something that may not taste of the true Italy? I've been there, and trust me what you order is not always what you get - taste wise, that is.

Thanks to this lovely lady, my memories of great Italian foods and the quality each dish requires come back to life! Throughout the pages of this handy book, are descriptions of the culture of Italy, its many foods (and their histories), and beautiful images of the dishes and the many ingredients they require. There is also details on how to keep a fully stocked Italian pantry, a conversion chart, and each section ends with an describing more historically traditional Italian methods for recipes and foods.

I never leave home without it, a something from it always ends up in a party menu. Usually the cakes for birthdays or Tea, and the pastas and sauces for guests.

3. Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Child, Bertholle, and Beck

From French Bistro, to Culinary Artist!
Ahhhh. . . Memories . . .
When Julie & Julia first came to theatres, I fell in love all over again with cooking. When I had gotten home, I ran straight to my mother's cookbooks to see if she had this one. Unfortunately she did not, but that was soon remedied. For mother's day that year, we baked 1 cake from scratch. The frosting tasted like butter but it was delicious! Every day I try to figure out how to create these recipes from the page and into my mouth, not all of which are successful. But I know that practice makes perfect!

From then on, anytime I wanted to expand my knowledge as a chef, however misguided, I ran to this book. In here, you learn everything from eggs to meat!

Yes, this is not the healthiest of my selections, but it does have something no one should live without - A culinary experience that lingers on. Buy it for loved ones and bogard the hell out of it.

Whether you be chef, guest, or food critic, this book will do wonders to your kitchen abilities and your taste buds!
( I can't promise it will help with high cholesterol though)

Everything on earth - almost!

I never knew about this book until recently. I was staying with my boyfriend's family during Christmas, and his mother showed me this bible of deliciousness!

I am not kidding!

Almost everything anyone could ever want, in the baked goods and breads department, can be found within its pages. This book helped me create my first animal cupcakes as well (the recipes for the frosting and cupcakes, not their design) and they were smashing! 

Piglets and Owls (The center one is a P-owel)
When I came back from across the pond, I asked my mom if she knew of this magnificent breads basket. I believe the laughter did not stop for days. Apparently, she has had this book for years! Never, not once have I seen it, until a massive clean out of the kitchen year back. But now that I have my hands on it, it's never getting lost again!

5. The Healthy College Cookbook by Alexandra Nimetz, Jason Stanley, and Emeline Starr with Rachel Holcomb

For novices of all ages!

This book is fantastic for basic beginners in a kitchen, as well as for the young folk out on their own for the first time. New places, new schedules, more pressures, and less sleep don't help young Freshmen or novice chefs in new cities. From basic terms and essentials, to food storage, spices, and cabinet staples, this book is the perfect bon voyage gift. With these cheap, healthy, and delicious foods you will stay on budget, and curb the dreaded freshmen fifteen!  

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Summer Reading Lists
  1. June 2012 
  2. June 2013 

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If any other books come across my desk?
I will update you all, pinkie swear!
If you have any books you think would be helpful for the rest of us?
Shoot me an email or post it below, and I will try to review it as soon as I can.

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