When moving into a new place - be it an apartment (flat), a house, an attic above a bowling alley, or a shack in the woods - there are a few fun facts you learn that you were never taught about life and adulthood. And that schools should prepare you for adulthood as well as academia.
For instance, did you know dry rot is a bitch?
Now another fun fact. The stuff.
Fun Fact 3 . . .
. . . The waiting . . .
While we await our soon to be newly painted, re-carpeted, and dry rot free home, it is important for me to keep busy. I HATE down time, especially when I'm so used to helping or being busy. I became a bit bored and stir crazy after only three days. I have gotten lost in the woods, found two really great restaurants that are not pubs (Chinese and Indian), worked out for 3 hours one morning (mostly kicking and yoga, and old fight routines), baked a harry potter spice cake (I'll post it later), cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bedroom, sung for 1 whole hour in the shower, gave myself 4 manicures and 2 facials, braided my hair 4 different ways, passed by a lot of little play parks while forcing myself outside on the sunny days, and started reading a book his mom gave me. Things will pick up once I start classes, which is what makes me enjoy the lazy early mornings, the quiet and the calm.Starting to enjoy sleeping in really...this could be the start of a bad habit...but I am totally fine with that for now.
I will keep you informed on any new developments, but as of now? No flat, 5 hour commute to school, and desperate for new reading materials that have to do with theatre.
Bye for Now!